Indian Army Common Entrance Exam (CEE) Result Declared For Exam Held In November. This CEE Sarkari Results available on the official website is
Army Common Entrance Exam Declared
Army CEE result of the Army recruitment exam held in 2019 has now declared. The CEE results are available for Candidates who took the exam of Army Soldier General Duty, Army Soldier Technical or Army Clerk or Army Store Keeper Technical or Army Nursing Assistant, and Army Soldier Tradesman.
Check Indian Army Common Entrance Exam Result
Check your results by using their roll number. Recruitment to post recruitment is done through a physical fitness test, common entrance exam, and aptitude test (for tradesmen post).
10+2 pass and NCC candidates are eligible to take this exam. Army recruiting offices and the AROs conduct the review. The recruitment is announced a minimum one month before the conduct of the rally by the concerned Army Recruiting Offices.
Army CEE Sarkari Result Published now
You are also interested in the selection process includes document verification, physical fitness test, physical measurement tests, medical exam, and written exams or the common entrance exam (CEE).
As per the revealed by the Indian Army on its official website, “every year 30-35 lakh individuals appear for recruitment in Army. The organization offers the role of a leader, opportunities full of diverse challenges, a distinctive career to serve the nation, handsome salary, adventure, sports, altruism, sacrifice, and no end to this.”